Callum Plews of Sleeves and Analog Candle |
When I was 11 years old, I moved with my family to Chicago. I started in the 6th grade there and one of the first friends I had was Callum Plews, this rad guy who had a funny English accent. Callum was my best friend then but he left our school after 6th grade and we kind of lost contact. Recently, we got in touch over Facebook (there really is a use for that site sometimes) and bonded over both becoming music geeks. Callum had played in a bunch of bands and made music since High School, but I never really heard anything of his until his new album "The Sky Ghost Part 1" by his band Sleeves came out.
I'm so glad that I clicked that link he posted because I absolutely love that album! It's really wonderfully constructed and layered. Kim, the permanent vocalist, has a wonderful voice that floats over surreal soundscapes. And the music is just so rich, but also immediately accessible as it's rooted in an incredible pop sensibility.
The album is streaming on their website (see: http://theskyghost.com/). You can download the whole album for $3. THREE DOLLARS! And you can get a physical album with the unreal album art, lyrics, and some surprises for only $7.
Naturally, I had to ask Callum for an interview. Aside from quickly catching up and talking about one of our favorite authors, Haruki Murakami, we got down to business in regards to music. Callum had a lot of really enlightening things to say about how one creates music through production and collaboration that was something I hadn't heard a lot about. He makes the album immediately personal but alien enough to apply to any individual, regardless of where he or she came from.
It's really an amazing album. Aside from that, Callum runs a music collective called Analog Candle (see: http://www.analogcandle.com/) that releases Sleeves music as well as other side-projects of Callum's and other bands. Like the Sleeves album, it's really great.
But Callum explains everything much better, so without further ado...Callum Plews of Analog Candle & Sleeves!
Jordan: So, what made
you start making music?
Callum: Wow, good
question. I think it was back in high
school, joining high school bands and stuff and I really became interested in
the recording process. I went to a bunch
of recording studio sessions and recording EPs in high school. And it was like wow, I really enjoy the
recording process a little bit more than making music, and that’s how I got
into that, recording other people and music.
Recently I’ve been making more music and recording, but I really like to
collaborate and record other people: I’d say it’s a passion of mine. I’d probably say I started around 16 and 17.
Jordan: How has the
music you made in High School impacted the music you’re making now or the bands
that you’re recording?
Callum: Yeah, I
definitely think so. I think that when
you first start making music, you’re doing your best to create something in the
moment. Of course, two months later, you
look back and think “oh I should have done that differently” or “I could have
done that better.” You have to
understand you did it in the moment; years from now. Sometimes I
look back and think “oh, that’s crappy,” but, you know, I’m proud of it and I’m
glad I made it because otherwise I wouldn’t be interested in the stuff I make
now, which is a little less rocky and a little more psychedelic. I don’t know.
It’s different.
Jordan: So your band
sleeves. What is your role in the band?
[Chuckles] okay, okay, what’s my
role? It started for me in New Orleans,
I was taking a break from college – I was kind of between schools. I was in a really bad state: I had no
friends, my girlfriend had broken up with me and I was really depressed and I decided I’ll just start a band called “Sleeves” and wrote my first song in
New Orleans and went on Craigslist and found a singer. It started up as a solo project and I wanted
to bring singers in and collaborate with them, but I eventually met Kim, who
eventually became the permanent singer and we had a good collaboration
going. So Kim and I recorded our album
last year and this year we recruited a violinist named Tabitha and a guitarist
named Justice. I would say my role now
is producing music and helping with the collaborative process between the
members and also contributing my own songs and trying to give a vision and
direction. But sometimes the other
members collaborate and write music without me and I’ll, you know, play a
guitar part. We all have very fluid
roles in the band. I’d say probably
producer/songwriter, a guy who helps where it’s needed.
Jordan: Pretty big
transformation within like a year or year and a half.
Callum: Yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah. You know, a lot’s happened
since then. I moved to Boston where
there’s a great music scene and being at Northeastern and doing music
technology really got me into classical music.
Those influences really moved me and kind of kept pushing me
forward. Sometimes I don’t even go out
on weekends, I just produce. It’s my
Jordan: So what
events or bands influenced the songs you have on your new LP “The Sky Ghost
Part 1”?
Callum: Good
question. I would definitely say Broken
Social Scene, Modest Mouse. Also
strangely some classical composers like Debussey or Mahler. The way they layer their music. And then kind of
electro stuff like Barry Truax and a lot of experimental composers and new
music. You can’t really tell it’s
influenced by classical music, but it definitely is when we write a song.
Jordan: What kind of
music would you call it?
Callum: I would say
it’s folk-influenced, but that we try to incorporate some experimental elements
too. We definitely try to add some
psychedelic or freak-folk tinge. Like
Akron/Family or Grizzly Bear. I’m sure
you could think of some others too.
Jordan: The Grizzly
Bear comparison was something I thought when I first heard it but, to be
honest, I like your band more. I think
it’s rooted in a better pop sensibility, but I saw the layers be something in
the two.
Callum: Yeah, this
record is very poppy. I don’t know how
it happened, and we’re going to try and move in a different direction for new
stuff. But yeah, it has that pop element
Jordan: So what can
expect in the next album? Is it called “The
Sky Ghost Part 2?”
Callum: Actually, we’re
going to do an EP before that, which is going to be a free download, and it’s
going to be called the “garden district EP,” which is going to be mostly folk
like by Bob Dylan. We’re actually doing
a Bob Dylan/Johnny Cash cover between the two female vocalists, Tabitha and
Kim, called “Girl from the North Country.”
It’s going to be a lot more folky and then “Sky Ghost Part 2” is going
to come and go back to the psychedelic direction and we’ll generate some ideas
about what we want to do with that.
Jordan: So the EP’s
going to be more acoustic based?
Callum: Definitely
more acoustic based. We’re going to try
and do some sort of concept, but it’s definitely going to be more
acoustic. Actually “Sky Ghost” tells a
kind of story. I’m not really sure what
it is, but we’re going to try and have the EP be a transition story that sits
between parts 1 and 2 that’s kind of a transition between the two. Whether it’ll be successful, I don’t know,
but we’re going to try.
Jordan: So what would
you say the story in Sky Ghost Part 1 is?
Callum: That’s a good
question. Actually each of the members
has a different interpretation. I kind
of think it represents, and it’s cliché, but I think it’s about someone’s life
cycle. I personally think the first song
is about rebirth and the second song has the lyrics “I don’t know what you made
me for/ you used to be in love, but not anymore” which is kind of like a child’s
sensibility. The second song is about a
child and then it moves into being a teenager.
It’s hard to explain. The other
members could probably explain and their interpretations are a lot better, but
something like that.
Jordan: So what’s up
with the physical release album?
Callum: Yeah, there’s
going to be 200 copies and we’re sending some to an affiliate label with my
friends from Illinois and they’re called “Catpak Records.” They’re going to get 100 copies and we’re
going to have 100 copies and it’s going to be full-panel with all the lyrics
and we’ll have secrets to those who ordered one. I know you ordered one, which is
exciting. It’s definitely worth the
$7. But yeah, we’re going to get 100
copies and sell them at shows and stuff.
Jordan: Yeah, I’m
psyched! I was really curious about the
album art. Who made it? What’s the story behind it?
Callum: Right, well
actually that was made by my friend in high school who’s named “Zach Meyer” and
I bought the print off of him. I really
like working with people I know, like for example you as opposed to a random
blogger. I feel like I can open up to you
(aw, shucks Callum, you’re making me blush) since we’ve been friends since way
back when. I love collaborating with
people I know and meeting new people.
But I called him up and we hadn’t spoken in a while and I was like “yo,
I’ve got this idea, can you do this and this?” and he drew it up and it worked
really nicely. He’s really talented so I
was really grateful for that connection.
Jordan: I absolutely
love that print. It looks so sweet.
Callum: Yeah he did a
great job. It’s incredible. I actually think that print almost tells the
story or gives clues to interpretation.
There’s definitely a connection with the moon; it’s a big part of the
record. It’s kind of like a feminine relationship
with the moon and how it affects the life.
Maybe “The Sky Ghost Part 2” will be a male relationship with the moon,
whatever that is.
Jordan: Can we look
forward to seeing more collaborations with Zach Meyer?
Callum: I
wonder. Yeah probably. I was wondering if he could do art for the
new album. I know he released a sort of
flip-book with his art work and maybe we could do some sort of collaboration
that could be included with the next album.
Jordan: I’d
personally love that. I’m like geeking
out over it.
Callum: [laughs] I’m
glad you like it!
Jordan: So who’s
Atuin, the guy featured on the first track?
Callum: Oh,
Atuin! (pronounced ATOON). He’s a French artist I met on Soundcloud. I love collaborating on Soundcloud. There’s a lot of musicians I like
collaborating with. But yeah, he’s just
like a Soundcloud musician. He has a
unique voice and is a great lyricist. He
wrote his lyrics for his part in that song.
It was really an honor to work with him.
Jordan: Any plans to
press it on vinyl?
Callum: Yeah, maybe
if people respond to Sky Ghost 1 and we get money from shows and can sell merch and t-shirts. I think we could definitely press Sky Ghost 2
on vinyl and then maybe go back and press Sky Ghost 1 on vinyl. Maybe include them in a package. It’d be awesome to see how people respond to
that. I’d love to make the investment
but it could definitely be worth it. It’s
definitely a good idea. I’m going to
steal that idea from you.
Jordan: It’s
definitely an album I’d like to have as a record, to be honest.
Callum: You listen to
a lot of albums on record?
Jordan: Yeah I pretty
much buy everything on vinyl. I was just
at the store and picked up a few records.
Callum: I know with
new records they include a slip of paper with the digital download link so you
can get that too. The vinyl’s only like
$12 so it’s a sick deal.
Jordan: Do you have
any plans to tour?
Callum: Yeah, we’re
trying to play some local venues in Boston.
We’re friends with this band called Stone Cold Fox who we’re
remixing. And we’re trying to get some
shows with them and this other band.
God, I forgot their name. But our
friend Paige played at the release party for our album with her band "Sounds of Venus" so we’re trying to get
some shows. Hopefully Boston and we’ll
try to expand and see where it goes.
Jordan: So what’s
your role in Analog Candle? You created
it yourself?
Callum: Yeah, yeah,
Analog Candle came out around the same time as Sleeves. It’s kind of an umbrella under which I can
release Sleeves. But then it kind of
grew into a collective involving different people and then I started working
with this guy in New Zealand who’s actually a professor and he sent me some
ambient music and I started mixing them and writing lyrics and then giving them
to Kim and she would write lyrics. So we
started a side-project “Sink/Sink” and we put them on Analog Candle too. I’m also trying to release my roommate’s
music on Analog Candle. It’s kind of
growing into a combination of a collective where everyone works on each other’s
projects, a recording studio that I have set up in my apartment, and also a
label for which we can release music and promote bands and put them on
Soundcloud or the website or whatever.
Jordan: So what can
we look forward to in the future of Sleeves and Analog candle?
Callum: Let me
think. I’ll talk about new
releases. We’re talking about releasing
my roommate’s album in about two months.
The Sleeves EP in about a month.
My side-project Sink/Sink is releasing an album on Feedback Loop Label
and they’re making physical copies. They’re in Spain or Portugal and they’re
selling it for Euros So that’s coming out April 16 and then a remix album of Sleeves, and my
friend’s band Children of Kids. I
recorded them and we’re going to do a physical release and a split/remix album
on that. So yeah, physical releases,
just kind of pushing forward.