Rain Drinkers are a curious band in the sense that they seek knowledge, answers, and further meditation. Their music is a reflection of this and can be used for external pontification and internal dialogue, which raises the next question, which is "what is the use of music?" Rain Drinkers create exceedingly pleasant music, though both Joe and Troy involve themselves in other capacities too in an effort to explore the role of sound in our lives. Needless to say, Rain Drinkers is music for the sonic adventurer and for the questioning listener. It can be both a passive and an active auditory experience.
Follow the band on their Facebook Page and give them a listen on Bandcamp.
Jordan: Where did the
name Rain Drinkers come from?
Troy Schafer: The name as code, as words tend to be:
“May your pure steeds, rain-drinkers, bring you hither, swift as the tempest, your celestial coursers, Rapid as thought, with fair backs, full of vigour, resplendent in their native light.”
The Rig Veda, Book 1 as
translated by Ralph T H Griffith
The name as breathe, sonorous form uttered between new friends, is something different altogether.
The name as breathe, sonorous form uttered between new friends, is something different altogether.
Joe Taylor: We struggled
to find a name that was fitting to us. Mainly because we hadn’t yet found out
who we were as a collective. In that respect we have become the name. Its funny
how often it works that way. For me the name speaks mostly to one feeling and
one truth.
The feeling is that of
youth and freedom. When I was a child, there were storms where the windows were
closed and the family was confined to the basement with rations. When the
worst had past we’d run from the house to splash and turn our heads to the sky
and drink. That is an ability music and nature share, to one moment draw fear
and the next moment bless you with a release of joy and freedom.
The truth is that, as an
existence, we all; plants, animals, land and water, consume the rain in the
most absolute way. I feel that music can share this same acceptance.
Jordan: Do you guys like
TS: Indecision of the sea,
manifest? What’s not to like?
JT: yes. What Troy said.
J: Your Facebook page
says that you guys are from Madison but Xavier, don't you live in Chicago?
What's the deal, fellas?
TS: Xax Mane Krass resides in the outer reaches of the Milky Way upon the teat of a colossal mole rat. He comes to me in certain states.
Troy is biding his time in Chicago for academic purposes. Wyrd Wisconsin beckons him home as yearned thoughts alter his blood. Forward!

TS: Joe and I first crossed paths as newly hired valet runners for a birthing hospital in Madison during the summer of 2009. There, we got to know each other through long rambling conversations about electromagnetic radiation and music selections blasting from the cars we parked. We spent a substantial amount of time analyzing the smooth jazz being piped into the hospital lobby. Initially, we set out to create a collaborative portfolio of jingles. I became a bit overzealous about the jingle writing process and so we settled on scoring a soundtrack to the memories created between the two of us then and there.
My jingling spirit lives on. Hear here, one of my earliest attempts, during the first days of Rain Drinkers (credits à la fin):
J: Rain Drinkers seems
to have a lot of acoustic instrumentation combined with electronic production.
It's an impressive combination, and an underused one in my opinion that
emphasizes beauty. Are you guys classically trained?
JT: You’re right, it
seems people sometimes choose a side between acoustic or electric, analog or
digital. For me there is a balance to be found between these two spectrums that
is beautiful and vast. In the special moments when that balance is found, I’ve
realized there was never two separate spectrums to begin with, there is just
music. If it makes a sound, it can spark an idea and be used as a vehicle to
deliver the listener to a place. That place can be reached with any medium with
the right intention. A simple african drum holds as much if not more mystery to
me as the most complex program and I love what they both enable me to do.
I am not classically
trained. I have been taught what I know from improv with others and a life of
ever evolving practice. I have the utmost respect for trained musicians. It is
a special treat to play with someone like Troy who is both classically trained
and an exceptional improvisationalist.
TS: Well thanks Joe!
J: Do you find that
there are any sounds in the natural world that are especially interesting to
you guys? Do you employ found sounds or field recordings in your works?
JT: Thanks for asking. I
like this question. One sound that comes to mind is the constant movement
upon a glacier. Years ago I was hiking atop the Kennicott glacier in Alaska.
The sounds it produced were so immense and humbling. As it cracked and large
rocks and ice continuously fell off their perches I felt comfortably small. I
was pleasantly reminded that this earth never needed humans to survive. This
amazing garden has never stopped moving and never will.

TS: Very romantic! On a purely sonic level, my glacier is the sound of three black cats chewing food from glass bowls while I lie in bed. I fall asleep to their crunching every night, tickling my subconscious.
While I tend to separate my phonographic practice from my musical selves, certain field recordings do find their way into my musical compositions. However, almost all of the sampled natural sounds on Rain Drinkers recordings have been collected by Joe. I always incite him to demonstrate agency and a conceptual link between those recordings and our music. As you can hear, he is extremely successful in this endeavor. Drones rarely exist in the natural world. Organic, naturally occurring sounds are brimming with texture, tone and rhythm that constantly evolve in form. Machines are the source of the majority of drones we hear in our daily environment. Taking a cue from nature could significantly reduce the heavily reproduced and cliche happenings within contemporary drone related scenes, resulting in more diverse and expressive sounds.
J: You've put out a bunch of recordings on a few labels predominantly in the cassette and CD realm. Do physical formats mean much to you guys? What determines how you release a piece of work?.
TS: Absolutely. Audio recordings fix something already inescapable. The physical material on which music is written is an extension of the recording and an overall part of the sound phenomenon. Each format transmits it’s own audible peculiarities, signing a mark on the story of the sound event. Long before the artifice of our recording process begins, we thoroughly consider how our sonic material will take to any particular format. Duration and possible symmetry of the record, product availability and playback accessibility of the format, fidelity, cultural association with contemporary or antiquated technologies, life expectancy and intentional decay are but a few of those considerations.
J: You have a cassette
coming out soon on Tranquility Tapes. I've listened to it and really enjoyed
it. How did you guys write and record that?
TS: Our most recent album,
Wood Violet, is a tribute to the great state of Wisconsin. It is our
first time collaborating with Tranquility Tapes and we’re thrilled to have that
work included among the quality tunes being released by Franklin and his
accomplished label.
Aside from the track Live
At The Wisco, we recorded Wood Violet in two or three takes of long
form improvisations which were then condensed and sculpted digitally in post,
with a few overdubbed embellishments here and there. It’s a fairly simple,
straight forward approach that lies at the heart of all of our recordings.
J: Is there a piece of
music that has been particularly important to you from your back catalogue,
maybe in terms of personal resonance?
JT: One track that has a
lot of meaning to me is “Nemuri” from Bore Upon The Breath of Dawn. Something
clicked for me while recording that song. I should mention that it is not my
favorite track but it was responsible for changing my approach and put me on
the right track towards positioning myself musically in relation to space and
A similar thing happened
to us as a project during Springtide. There is nothing I have been a part of
musically that makes me feel the way that album does.
TS: Side A on Urthen Web is by far my favorite RD track. It’s clear that I am not alone in this, as that tape sold out faster than any other. I openly invite any label we work with to release it on vinyl.
TS: Side A on Urthen Web is by far my favorite RD track. It’s clear that I am not alone in this, as that tape sold out faster than any other. I openly invite any label we work with to release it on vinyl.
J: Do you guys play live
at all?

TS: A lot of our studio recordings are structured as a kind of live performance except that our only audience is ourselves. As Joe mentioned, the last track on Wood Violet was recorded in a dark, dingy little pub in Madison where I’ve seen some of the most inspiring shows of my life with only a handful of people there to witness them.
J: Do you guys have any
plans for the future?
JT: Nothing was ever
planned and still is not.
TS: No sir. Zero agenda.
TS: No sir. Zero agenda.
J: Doesn't pertain as
much to your music, but I was an English major so I'm gonna ask. You guys have
any book recommendations or any books that have been important to you?
TS: It does pertain to our music. Literature is all the more integral to my sound practice.
A short list that anyone
interested in music, film and/or sound might benefit from:
Abbate, Carolyn. In Search of Opera. Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 2001.
Abbate, Carolyn. In Search of Opera. Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 2001.
Agamben, Giorgio. The Coming Community. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota, 1993.
Altman, Rick. Sound Theory, Sound Practice. New York: Routledge, 1992.
Arnheim, Rudolf. Radio: An Art of Sound. New York: Da Capo, 1972.
Barthes, Roland. The
Responsibility of Forms: Critical Essays on Music,art, and Representation.
New York: Hill and Wang, 1985.
Barthes, Roland, and Stephen Heath. Image, Music, Text. New York: Hill and Wang, 1977.
Barthes, Roland, and Stephen Heath. Image, Music, Text. New York: Hill and Wang, 1977.
Böll, Heinrich. The Stories of Heinrich Böll. New York: Knopf, 1986.
Cardew, Cornelius, Michael Chant. Treatise Handbook, including Bun No.2 Volo Solo. London: Edition Peters, 1971.
Chion, Michel, Claudia Gorbman and Walter Murch. Audio-vision: Sound on Screen. New York: Columbia UP, 1994.
Deleuze, Gilles, and
Félix Guattari. A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia.
Minneapolis: U of Minnesota, 1987.
Derrida, Jacques. Khôra.
Paris: Galilée, 1993.
Hellström, Björn. Noise Design: Architectural Modelling and the Aesthetics of Urban Acoustic Space. Göteborg: Ejeby, 2003.
Schafer, R. Murray. European Sound Diary. Vancouver: A.R.C. Publications : A.R.C. the Aesthetic Research Centre, 1977.
Hellström, Björn. Noise Design: Architectural Modelling and the Aesthetics of Urban Acoustic Space. Göteborg: Ejeby, 2003.
Schafer, R. Murray. European Sound Diary. Vancouver: A.R.C. Publications : A.R.C. the Aesthetic Research Centre, 1977.
J: Anything else you'd
like to say?
JT: Thank you so much
for allowing us this dialog. We are very grateful for your interest.
TS: In relation to other projects and releases:
a new Kinit Her record is in the works this summer with a very special surprise guest.
Consider gripping the new Untitled No. 1 7” released under my birthname this summer on the mighty Signal Dreams label run by my muffin man Joel Shanahan.
For all other plugs and name droppings, visit
TS: In relation to other projects and releases:
a new Kinit Her record is in the works this summer with a very special surprise guest.
Consider gripping the new Untitled No. 1 7” released under my birthname this summer on the mighty Signal Dreams label run by my muffin man Joel Shanahan.
For all other plugs and name droppings, visit
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