Monday, March 5, 2012

Royal Headache Interview

Australia has produced a lot of great things: the didgeridoo, kangaroos, nick cave, but it also has an amazing music scene going on. When most people think of the outback music scene, they probably think of "Men at Work," and if you're lucky, then Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds or some earlier incarnation of his dirge-rock. One of the great new labels out of Sidney, Australia is R.I.P. Society, a great small label with awesome garage bands like the Woollen Kits and Royal Headache. I lucked out by managing to snag a copy of the Royal Headache LP from Bull City Records. Chaz, of BCR, managed to find a distributor, homespun from what I hear, who stocked some R.I.P. Society records. Needless to say, Royal Headache's self-titled LP blew my mind and I've been stalking the R.I.P. Society blog ( ever since.

My interview with Royal Headache truly came out of an interest to see where they were heading next. Their album combines great pop sensibility (a la Big Star) with the lo-fi recording style of Thee Headcoats. Needless to say, it's awesome. I mean really really awesome. In the interview, Law, the guy on guitar, says that the band is planning on releasing their LP on "What's Your Rupture?" Yeah, the label that did that amazing Iceage LP last year. You can preorder the LP here:

To learn more about the band check them out on myspace ( or "like" them on Facebook. It sounds like we will have a chance to see them Stateside sometime this May/June, so keep your fingers crossed!

Without further ado...Royal Headache:

Me: How did your band start?

Royal Headache: Started in the middle of 2008. Shortty and I had been in bands that had just disbanded so we started jamming together as a 2 piece in my boatshed, we invited our friend Andrew to play bass a month later and originally and then Shogun joined somewhere around the end of 08. Andrew left the band after our 3rd show so we added Joe to the lineup.

Me: How did you get the name Royal Headache?

Royal Headache: Shortty came up with that one. Not sure how he came up with that one but it just sounded perfect so we used it.

Me: Who are the members in your band?

Royal Headache:
Shogun on the vox, Shortty on the drums, Joe on the bass and me on the guitar.

Me: How did you all meet up or know each other?

Royal Headache: We've all known each other for maybe well over 10-15 years through the punk/diy scene here in Sydney.

Me: Have you played in bands before?

Royal Headache: Yeah. We've all pretty much been in bands since we were 14/15.

Me: How do you all support yourselves when you aren't recording or touring?

Royal Headache: We've got pretty boring day jobs.

Me: Are you looking to expand your distribution in the United States? (I kind of lucked out in having a local record shop who found an R.I.P. Society distributor?)

Royal Headache: Whats Your Rupture? In New York is releasing the S/T throughout the USA/UK/JAPAN in May.

Me: Where did you record your first record and how did it happen?

Royal Headache: We recorded it in the Boatshed in Putney. Our friend Owen came down and brought his 8 track so we cut 4 songs in a day that ended up on the 7"

Me: Who are your main inspirations?

Royal Headache: Mainly 70's and 80's punk/powerpop

Me: What are some of your top records of 2011?

Royal Headache: Lots of great local stuff - Total Control, Dick Diver, Twerps, Kitchens Floor, Woollen Kits.

Me: Do you have any plans on touring the United States specifically?

Royal Headache: We're coming over in late May/early June

Me: Do you plan on working with R.I.P. Society more?

Royal Headache: Hopefully. Nick is a good mate of ours so we'd be happy to do more releases with him.

Me: Are many of the bands on R.I.P. Society working from similar backgrounds?

Royal Headache: Yeah

Me: What is the craziest show you have played?

Royal Headache: Maybe the house party show in Brisbane on our first tour. My amp and I almost got pushed out of a window.

Me: Who is the biggest idol you all have, musicwise?

Royal Headache: Not sure. Grew up loving Oasis so Noel and Liam Gallagher were what really got me into music. But now I wouldn't say I idolise anyone.

Me: What can fans of Royal Headache and R.I.P. Society expect in the future?

Royal Headache: Another LP out hopefully by the end of the year.

Me: How much does New Zealand suck?

Royal Headache: I actually really love New Zealand. We played camp last year and had a real good time. My girlfriend and I backpacked around there for 2 weeks and It was the most scenic country I've ever experienced.

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